Alright, what I'm about to write is something that not only blew my mind, but expanded my soul, when I finally pieced it all together in my head.
Also, to put this here now, when I say "consciousness", it also can mean our attention, energy, awareness, being, or anything else you want to call it.

As a human being, we have the ability to remember past occurrences and also think of future scenarios, all creating a mind projected version of the reality we experience (insperience) right here right now. We are used to this, and might not think much about it, but in reality, it is pretty magical.
Our physical body is not going into the memories with us, nor is it going into the future. It is bound to time. However, our energy, our individual human consciousness, it traveling to a different time. It is not bound to the laws of time unfolding, or of distance. It is free to fly wherever it can imagine. It is traveling at an immeasurable speed known as the speed of light, for it is light. We are light.
The speed of light and time are connected in the way that if anything physical were to travel faster than light, it would not be physical any longer, as it would not be bound to the working of time. The speed of light a.k.a time is what keeps and makes things physical. It makes things unfold.
Anyways, consciousness is not bound to this law. It can go to the past and to the future as it pleases. It is free. However, we can get stuck in a certain structure of where we travel to. If we have a memory with a strong emotion correlated to it that we suppress and leave unresolved, part of our consciousness stays there, waiting to be seen and flow through us. Waiting to be unstuck. Our subconscious mind stores and houses all of these past insperiences that impacted us, protecting us from doing the things that once hurt us. If we are operating from a place of stress and fear, we rely on these subconscious programs to govern our present moment perception of life, which affects our thoughts, actions, and so on.
When we bring ourselves safety, coming back down to the truth of this present moment, letting go of the trying and fighting and just being, we allow the present and future to be free for all of our heart's desires and creations. This also may mean facing some pain we were afraid to face and were running away from, but hey, that is ok. When you allow this truth to speak, you can settle safely in the fact that these feelings are directing you exactly where you need to go. These feelings are divine. God speaks to you through the heart.
Back to consciousness being our own little time machines of our lives.
Yes, it is obvious that when you go back to a memory, it has already happened. You may be wondering, if the future has not happened yet, then how do we travel there? And how can we consider imagination "traveling to the future" if it has not already happened yet?
Let me explain.
Now I'm going to dive into "particles" of an atom and "waves" in the realm of physics, but in an easily understandable way. In this realm, we have dualities that can be separated into the categories of particles and waves, particles being the physical manifestation of a wave. For example, we have our physical body (particle), and the energy or emotional body (wave). We have matter (particle) and we have energy (wave). An easy metaphor to understand this is the land and the sea or solids and liquids. Solids have their form, just like particles, while liquids on the other hand are malleable to fit any container they are in. Or, in other words, they have an infinite number of forms they can be.
In relation to time, the past can be analogically compared to that of particles and the future being a wave. As we move through time, we are particalizing our present moment, giving it form. In this way, every moment of our existence is a brilliant act of creation. As for our future, it is the wave, malleable to any form we give it.
So, in fact, each time we imagine our future, it becomes a destination on the infinite canvas of possibilities. Each time we travel to the future in our mind's eye, we are creating it like magic. All that is left to do is allow our physical world to catch up, unfolding all that is needed to get to that very place.
And this requires our heart's desire and belief in it as well. It requires the imagination and thoughts to be impregnated by our heart's love and trust ♡
This is the very process of creation, both big and small; of the world, of a baby, and the wishes of our very own hearts.
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So beautiful and simply written. Understanding this and knowing we were created as such inspires me to just be. Be in my own being and create from within and not give up on my heart’s desires until they become a physical manifestation. Since we put out energy(waves) at every moment, it makes me want to be more aware about what I am putting out. I am more patient than ever before and this is confirmation to just flow and keep the faith until I catch up with the waves that flow that are currently creating the life my heart desires. Thank you for this wisdom! Sending love.