On my drive home from work, energies of ideas just kept flowing through me. That is the best way I can describe it lol. My heart wanted to speak and so it has, radiating from the creative stillness within. I got home and just wrote all that was coming to me for an hour and a half. It feels very special for me in my life, and I'm going to share it will you all here.

What if right now you connected with the present moment, with your body? What would you feel? Would you feel relaxed? Tense? Maybe impatient to get going with what you've got to do or want to do. Maybe it feels scary or uncomfortable. Whatever you may be feeling, it is a feeling that is true for you. So give yourself permission to stay present, stay in your body as long as it feels safe to do so, or as long as you want to. Be gentle with yourself.
This goes for everything in life, if / when you find yourself forcing. Awareness is key. Once you are aware of something, it begins changing. Once you desire something, it begins manifesting. Unless you consciously keep it from doing so.
Example, many of us, when we become aware of something we want to change, we begin thinking of all of the ways we can do that. We say we've got to do this this and this and then I'll feel better. Then, after a bit we might end up giving up because of the unhealthy discipline and the inner child in us wants to rebel against the inner tyrant.
The key is to know that you've got you. To develop the relationship with yourself that is safe, not abusive, not forceful so that you can move without confinement and restriction, allowing your awareness, your desire to lead the way. As a child trusts their mother to feed and nourish them, we can trust the nature of our hearts to nourish us.
And that means we must let go of the inner dictator who is trying to get by without it. When things don't feel good, don't force. Validate why it doesn't feel good, and move through it at your own pace. With safety, knowing that you've got you.
You are allowed to express all of you. You are not trapped. You are not prisoned in being that little girl or boy, sitting hands crossed at their school desk, keeping quiet so the teacher doesn't unleash their rath (lol not all teachers are like this, but you get the point). Our humanness is needed, and there should never be any shame it that.
One thing I have learned on my journey so far with this is that it is not about what you do, but how you feel. Energy comes before the physical. It is divine to energy and waves to physical particles. Anything physical always begins with and is energy.

I am providing this explanation to greater understand the analogy to "particles" of an atom and "waves" in the realm of physics:
In this world, we have dualities that can be separated into the categories of particles and waves, particles being the physical manifestation of a wave. For example, we have our physical body (particle), and the energy or emotional body (wave). We have matter (particle) and we have energy (wave). An easy metaphor to understand this is the land and the sea or solids and liquids. Solids have their form, just like particles, while liquids on the other hand are malleable to fit any container they are in. Or, in other words, they have an infinite number of forms they can be.
What makes a wave a particle is our observation of it. I know, sounds baffling, and I have my very own creative explanation for this that I'll save for a different article, but if you want to learn more, watch this video on the double slit experiment.
Basically, what turns unmalleable (infinite) to malleable (finite) is our, and everything around us, very movement through time.
Alright, if you went on the science journey with me above, I'm coming back to following the heart.
"Following your heart" does not have to be about some big lifestyle change. It can just be as simple as making yourself feel good. And when you don't feel good, sitting in what you feel and asking yourself what will truly make you feel better in this moment. Be kind to that inner child, teenager, adult.
Following your heart is aligning what you do to how you feel.
Prioritize your safety. Your comfort. When you feel scattered, nervous, shameful, messy, fearful, ect, come to the home of your body. It is a safe home, a trustable home where you can let go of all of those thoughts and trust the home to hold and carry you through.
We live in a consciousness, a society, that has us think (more often than not) in the ways of fear always pushing and pushing. But what if we just lived by the inner guide that already KNOWS how to live? That brought us into this world, holding us from the very beginning. We were not created to give up ourselves, our trust, our love to survive. We are here to love and to live.
Once again, it does not have to be any drastic physical change right away. It begins with the little moments when you don't feel safe, or comfortable energetically, emotionally, and taking care of yourself however it may be. Slowing down and giving yourself what your heart longs for.
Set those boundaries.
Start prioritizing how you feel.
Start prioritizing what your soul desires to express in this world.
The emotions, the love, the truth.
It is your god given right to do so.
Let's set the intention to let ourselves go and see where the dance of life take us, following our heart's desires moment to moment.
I know I've said this already, but I will say it again, following your heart does not just mean the big dreams. It also means following our dreams as of NOW. Our desires to feel comfort, love, rest, ease. Give them to yourself. Prioritize it. Nurture yourself. Kindle your big dreams too. Play in them. Conjure up good feelings by creating or imagining or going back to moments where you feel GOOD.
Be human, and OWN IT.
Let go of the mind's rules and step into the divine dance of the heart's desires ♡
What we desire is what we are, all we have to do is let it flow.
Your heart's desires are your emotions as well. If you feel sad, it is your heart speaking. The heart desires to be expressed, to be seen, to be validated. Your love has the power to give that to yourself just through the safety of your presence with it. To trust in it.
Trust what you feel, for it is leading you, signaling to you what your soul yearns to fulfill.
You don't have to understand, you just have to feel.
That is experience, in the emotions, in the soul.
Living does not happen based on what you do, but how you feel.
True expression of the soul happens when what you do matches what you feel.
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I loved reading this and the other articles as well.