Light and The Wave - Dualities and the Unfolding of Time

Published on 27 January 2024 at 15:24

This realm, and all in it, is light. Light within and without. In this article, I will explain just how it is so that we are all light, the dynamic between stars and planets, and how the wave is the fundamental aspect of all form. 

Everything is light, therefore, every form is traveling at the speed of light at all times. If a physical form were to travel faster than light, the physical would unravel, disappearing for the observer, as the form would no longer be part of this realm.


As all objects are moving at the speed of light, they either give this constant speed to space (distance) or time. Meaning, the faster something travels through space, the slower it moves through time, and the slower something travels through space, the faster it moves through time.

A form at rest (no distance) is moving with the normal rate of time.

An object traveling at the speed of light experiences no time. Imagine two cars next to each other traveling at the same speed, in the same direction. The people in the cars could look at one another, and to them, neither of them are moving. That would be the case if we were to travel at the speed of light. Our particles, already moving at the speed of light, would now be traveling in space at that speed, breaking the very concept of space and time. Space and time would no longer be moving, unfolding, or forming. 


If you are interested more of the science aspect of this, I highly recommend watching this YouTube video. It explains this all very slowly and simply, using diagrams to show how the speed of light is determined, defining it as not the speed in which light travels, but the speed at which all objects in the universe move. 


Anyways, particles of light called photons are the basis of every object. It is where every atom of every object begins (I'll explain more in depth how photons manifest to atoms later in the article). The sun radiates the photon in its basic form - light. These photons are giving all of their speed to space, and none to time. That is until this light reaches its egg, the womb of earth. 


Diagram A

Life on earth is born of the sun. We all begin with and therefore are the light. We are the SONS of the SUN. We are a result of the sun's desire to manifest its still light into moving light, its love into life. To go from formless to form. 


The stillness manifests to waves, to energy - from formless to form - and now we have a playground. It is through the dynamic quality of waves that we can play with and interact with this stillness, the light. Duality is the basis of form.


A wave moves up and down, representing a dynamic, a duality. 

A wave that is not linear is a circle. 

Which means that a wave is a product of the unfolding of time. Without the unfolding of time, a wave is nothing but a circle, still and constant. 

As we learned above, time is only relative to an observer, and not anything fixed. It is the mere inevitable unfolding of a light particle in form. 

Our souls experience the circle, while the physical experiences the wave. 


Diagram B

The circle represents the neutral quality of a proton, symbolizing the stillness of light, while the wave represents the proton and electron, symbolizing duality and form. 


Diagram C

Now obviously the proton electron dynamic wave is a very small wave. However, the waves are not just at the very small, they are everywhere. They make up everything. Every cycle, every pattern, every form, every sensation. All energy is wave, and all form is energy. 

Everything you here is sound waves hitting your eardrum.

Everything you see is light waves touching your eye.

All is the wave. 


In this realm, there are so many different "size" waves interacting with one another, and simultaneously create one another. All waves are the sum of all the other "sizes" that came before it. These "sizes" are infinitely small and big. Imagine from -∞ to ∞ all the big numbers and decimals between those numbers. That is how many "sizes of light waves" there are. Like this: 


Diagram D

The limit to this in this realm is, on the large scale, is the speed of light. This would mean it only makes sense that on the small scale, it would be the fraction of 1 / the speed of light. The negative of speed of light would be antimatter, but that's a different topic. 

So within the limit of the speed of light, there is infinite light waves interacting with one another at different frequencies, and truly all the same thing: LIGHT. What separates the light from one another is the combination of the waves and frequencies. 


As the proton electron dynamic wave is a smaller light wave, the elements of the periodic table are a bigger wave. The elements of the periodic table can be situated on the light wave that so that each element lies at a different point on the wave (Diagram E).


Just like in Diagram D, each element (point on the wave) has its own wave of protons and electrons, which are always equal, as what goes up must come down. This is the duality, the baseline to sensing this physical world. 


Now I will hit you with something to think about, going back to the observer affect in my article "What it Means to Follow Your Heart". Quick summary, the observer affect shows that it is our observation that makes a wave form into a particle. In other words, it is our observation that takes light and makes it dual by dividing in into protons (+) and electrons (-). 

So, the thought I am proposing is what if it is not our observation that physically turns these waves into particles, but instead is something our minds create in order to sense the frequency and vibrations of the energetic world (light waves) around us (Diagram C). 

We create a duality (protons and electrons) in order to interact with the energy around us. If you have a black square on a black table, you cannot see the square. The only was to sense something is through opposition, a black square on a white table. 

To sum this up, we don't CREATE reality on a whim, as everything around us is born of its own energy field, of its own light wave. However, we do create a way for ourselves to observe reality. 

Our world is created by the way we perceive it. 

The way we perceive our world creates our world. 


Diagram E

As this picture can be pretty confusing, to sum it up, as a light particle progresses across the wave, it transitions from element to element, each element the sum of all that can before it. What differs each element is its number of protons and electrons, or, in other words, its frequency. 


As a light particle progresses across the wave - and this can be in any form, whether it be elements, the development of a hueman, cycles of water, and so on - as a light particle progresses along the wave, at each different point, it is the sum of all that came before it. 


In this way, we can see Earth and her inhabitants as the sum of all that came before it. For example, from each adult hueman we can track back to adolescence, to a toddler, to a baby, to a fetus, to the cells, to the atoms, to the particles of an atom (protons and electrons), to the photon (light particle), to the light wave, to the sun's inner still light, to the love that created the sun to warm the cold of space.


The sun is the father, the masculine, while Earth is the womb that nurtures the father's light, boring life to give form to love. All beginning with the love of God. The love that encourages the sun to warm the cold womb of space, that encourages two souls to merge to magically form a baby. It is the dual's desire for oneness that calls in this love, and the one's desire for duality (expression) that moves life. 


The still, non-dual love manifests first with the dark womb of space which calls in the warmth of the stars, each star desiring to produce life of its own, Planets are called in by the sun as wombs to house the sun's desire, the sun's offspring. The womb of the planet bores more stars, those stars being us - beings of light, divine creators of our own, playing in the heart of our mother we call Earth (rearranged spells heart!). 

Her green, ripe land, abundant with life and love. 


We don't need to reach all the way to the stars as if they are some faraway place. We are the stars. We reach for us and we shall see that our arms have been wide open this whole time, waiting patiently, peacefully, and infinitely for us to come back home. 


The Earth as the Heart


And we allow ourselves to believe in fear, when all of this is made of love? Follow your light, your love. You are born of it and is forever guiding you to your happiest dreams.


Your desires are the same calling that calls the sun to warm space and the planets to give form to the sun's light. Your desires are the calling in for your dual complement, for oneness, whatever that may mean for you. 


Once we embody our light, our true selves, letting our life force, our passion flow freely from still light to expression (moving light), we can call in our desire, our home, our oneness. The lover within and without are one in the same, not bound to space (distance) nor time. 


Once we embody our soul's frequency, we attract our soul complement frequency. Once again, whatever this may mean for you. A passion, a lover. No matter what, both are the same idea. Like, meaning the same, frequencies attract. The frequency of two beings can be the same, but exact opposite in form. For example:


Here is what different frequencies look like


And here is what the same frequencies look like with opposite physical expression

They are extensions of one another, for infinity. Completing as a circle even with the movement of time. The wholeness in the sperate, the stillness in the moving, the love in the life. Dancing together forever, complementary to one another's physical. This is what we may think of as a soulmate :) 

Because the soulmate IS OUR frequency, they are also within and ARE us. 

But, because this is a realm of love and duality, naturally, we have a soul complement in the physical. 


Alright this is kind of going into a new topic, but it is important to mention. I am going to use the diagram of the wave to show how frequency (energy) changes before the physical manifestation of the energy emerges into life. 

The "energy" of the wave changes before there is a physical manifestation. 


We can relate this to our desires. When we truly desire something out of love (our soul frequency calls our desire in), it manifests energetically in the desire (inflection point) before it is physically manifested (amplitude)


We can relate this to a flower. The flower begins in its seed (inflection point), sparked by the desire to physically manifest its soul frequency. It does this at its amplitude, the flower - budding in its glory, embodying its beauty without shame. 


The sun is the seed of God. Sound familiar. The SON is the seed of the FATHER. 

We, as huemans, are the sun's flower. As the flower is the physical manifestation of its soul in the seed, we are the physical manifestation of God. Life on earth, all light, is the physical manifestation of God. However, huemans are special, as we are the lights, the stars, the suns, the SONS of this realm, just as the stars are the suns of space. We are the creators. 


All in all...

The wave is the basis of all form, a result of the unfolding of time, the desire for expression. It is life. 

The circle, the stillness in which energy springs, is love. 

The particle is our way of interacting with the energy, the waves all around.


And to conclude, I will add a short little children's book written by the one and only 7-year-old Ella lol 

I think I liked the flower in the vase way more than the flower ever did or would, but hey, in my world, that is how I made it to be😂

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