Energy Fields and Frequencies - Rooting into Your Truth

Published on 29 February 2024 at 11:13

Frequency never lies.

Like I always talk about in these articles, emotion is energy in motion. Imagine this as a diagram and it is a wave. Different emotions, different waves, have different frequencies. Frequency defined here is how often the wave goes up and down, how long each wavelength is. Each emotion carries a different frequency. 


Every person, place, and thing has their own frequency. There are surface frequencies, core frequencies, and, there is, let's call it a "base" frequency. This base frequency is the same "wave of creation" I refer to in "Energy Blocks and Addictive Cycles: Love is Behind All Pain". This frequency is in the deep core. It is our root. 


As everything is a trinity, so is this. In the body, these energy centers can be felt as surface frequencies in the chest, core frequencies in the stomach / belly button area, as this is a connection or channel to base or root frequency, the deep core of our body below the belly button. 


As humans, we can insperience a lot of surface frequencies, which are the surface emotions. When someone makes us mad, angry, sad, happy. 

Our core frequency is how we feel deep down in the core of our body. This is subject to fluctuate throughout the time of our lives, but is much less fleeting than surface emotions. 

Usually, how sensitive we are to feeling certain surface frequencies depends on our core frequency. For example, if deep down we are housing a feeling of anger, we are much more sensitive to anger when it arises because it is already brewing in us, waiting for its chance to express itself. 


Always in our deep core, our root, is love, and can only be love, as God intended. As the energy travels up our body, it can get, let's say, intercepted, and the frequency can change. It get's intercepted in our core, in the channel from root to surface. This change of frequency becomes our core frequency that mainly dictates our day to day surface frequencies. 

It is important to note that surface frequencies don't tend to impact our core frequency unless they are unprocessed, or, in other words, repressed. And nothing will ever change our root frequency, our wave of creation.


To dance around with these surface frequencies and never truly go in to the core of what you are actually feeling keeps you stuck in a loop. Like looking into the window of a house at a burning fireplace, but never actually going in to feel the warmth of the home. 


All of this that I just said is blabber and puzzle pieces and mental understanding. Pretty interesting stuff, but frequency is all about how you feel. You sense emotional frequency by FEELING it. Just like you sense sound waves with your ear drum, and light waves with you eyes, you sense your frequency with feeling, with being. You can't solve your way there. 


All of these frequencies make up the energy field. 


These frequencies are YOURS. Your energy field is YOURS. Nobody can tell you what you feel, what you like, what you want. It is for YOU to decide and navigate. It is your soul that tells you these things. And these are things you just know. Even when you don't know with your mind, you know in your heart what is true within you. 


This knowing is for you to trust. 

Frequency never lies. 


You will not die by following what you truly feel, by feeling it and surrendering to it. Maybe your ego, or a false identity you feel compelled to hold up, will die, but your soul will flourish. It is in this death that the soul rebirths the body, resurrecting it to live again, to love again, just as a caterpillar must die for it to fly. But the caterpillar does not truly die, just the way it interacts with the world does. 


The mind is no longer controlling your energy, trying to get you to hold a certain frequency or persona. Instead of being blocked by this mental cage, your soul energy can flow, timeless, formless, and ever expanding and contracting, moving in and out, up and down. 


"Just Be yourself" has a whole new meaning when you realize you don't have to BE anything other than expression of your frequency. 


Honor all of you. Honor the truth of your frequency. 


Each energy field has its own place in the cosmic dance. Embody your own with full faith in its divine perfection.



One more thing I want to add - it's good to often check in with your "why's". 

Like what's the real reason you are going to the gym?

Is it because you want to exercise and grow muscle mass, or is it because you fear and are trying to avoid gaining weight?

Maybe it is both. 

The strongest "why" will always prevail. 


Doing something out of fear will never sustain itself and leave you energetically drained.

Doing something out of true desire and passion self sustains, leaving you energetically replenished.


Your "why's" are the keys to your frequencies. 

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