How Far can Greed and Unnatural Power Make it in This World?

Published on 2 March 2024 at 09:45

This is a quick one, but I think it is very important to share. 

Each planet revolves around a sun. Each planet is at its own place in this revolution, its own stage. Just like every living thing has stages of growing up, or evolving, so do planets.


All the life forms on the planet are therefore bound to the planet’s evolution. If they try to control or change that, the planet either dies or kills off the “parasitic life forms”, or whatever is not flowing with its life, which is also our natural life.


Everything is connected. What we want deep down is what our planet wants which is what our sun wants which is what the galaxy wants and so on and so fourth until we get to God. And the basis of all the "wants" is love.


All desire in the manifestation of life is the desire for oneness, for balance. For love. 


That is natural life. Unnatural is when this gets tweaked with by, we could call it the parasite, of power, greed, hunger. 


What is true is always sustained, as it is rooted in love. In the love of our planet, our sun, our galaxy, our universe, God. What is unnatural will always get drained out, as there are no roots. 


Trees with strong roots can survive the strong winds. 


This is how power is contained in this universe. God makes everything perfect, he wouldn’t “forget” about this too - containment. Protection of the truth, of life, of all this is natural to this planet. 

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