You are where you are supposed to be ALWAYS and can never truly disconnect from your divine path, only slow it down with trying to control it, or block it with limiting beliefs. I will show you why this is so...
We have our wave of creation, or our divine path / purpose sparked the moment we were conceived by our life force. The moment of conception, our life force, our soul, develops a gender, a duality, which begins our path. This is effortless and divine, as we are, however many of us block this divine energy after learning what we are "supposed to do" and how we are "supposed to live". We block it with our mental computations or images that we try to fit our souls in to.
So instead of allowing our souls, our truth, to manifest outwardly into the physical, we confine outward world, the physical world, which therefore blocks the flow of our soul.
I will talk more about the living flow of the human soul in a soon coming article.
Here is our wave of creation, our divine manifestation into this physical realm.
The wave being our divine purpose and path
We can never leave this wave - our divine path, our soul - as our physical body and world is birthed of it, just as you cannot have a branch without a tree trunk and you cannot have a trunk without roots. Its source is our source. Its roots are our roots. It is us. And this energy flows through us inevitably and infinitely. However, like I said, it can get blocked the same way a hose gets a kink. It is not the water (energy) that has stopped flowing, but the hose (physical) that is preventing it from flowing.
Diagram of the blockage of pain in our bodies
The blockage creates a circle of energy that repeats of pain to pleasure until it is released so energy can flow naturally again. We can keep this pain for so long that it becomes a belief about ourselves, that "we are not good enough" or that "we are bad" are some examples. These beliefs are not true. Any pain we hold is not true. The experience and the feelings are SO valid, but they are not who we are. We can let it go because we do not need it to survive anymore. That painful moment is over, we are safe now.
We are the divine, as it flows like a river within us, a pure source always. We are life. We are good. We are abundant and deserving. Even if our beliefs have led us to not acting like it. Our actions all come from love. Even the ones we feel shame for, as they are designed to protect us. But we are only hurting ourselves by staying in the belief that we have something to protect from. It is time to come back home. The safe home.
Alright, I want to talk about how this blockage stays stuck, and this is where I will get into addictions and cycles.
So, if this pain becomes a belief about ourselves, we, as highly adaptable beings, develop ways to live with it stuck inside us. We begin to rely on mental pleasures that are not directly derived from our life force.
Pleasure is not bad. That is why addictions can be so debilitating, because, instinctively, we know pleasure is good. It is the signal of soul fulfillment. Pleasure works against us, however, when it stems from this pain, this block, and not connected to our soul purpose. It's like a stagnant pleasure, moving in a stagnant cycle, like a wheel that is turning with no road to grasp on to. It is a cycle of this pain energy.
Pain Energy Cycle aka Addictive Cycle
This singularly mental pleasure is not even close to what true spirit / soul pleasure feels like, as true pleasure is rooted in love rather than floating in pain and fear and shame.
Pleasure rooted in pain is relief. It is the quick voidance of pain rather than pleasure.
However, when, and I say when not if, we release the blockage through feeling it, through our awareness of it, through our presence, through acceptance, we unleash our true passion and pleasures, built on the foundation of our soul's love and truth. The fire of passion and the gentleness of love in cooperation, dancing together, like the masculine and the feminine.
Pleasure - naturally - directs us along our soul's path to manifesting in the physical, like torches that line a long dark corridor, directing the way. Dopamine (pleasure chemical in the brain) is the reward system. Naturally, it is meant to signal the feeling of fulfillment of one's journey. Nowadays as children, there is a lot of being rewarded for "good" behaviors and get things taken for "bad" behavior. Like excuse me, OUR SOULS ARE GOOD ALREADY I DONT NEED A COOKIE TO PROVE IT. Lol ok I just had to go off for a second.
Anyways, the soul pleasure, happiness, fulfillment stemming from nothing but life force / soul purpose is energy. It is energy directly derived from the light within us. It is the fire boosting us along our soul's journey. It is passionate, but also content, as it derives from the pure, ever flowing source of life force energy. This energy never sleeps. It is limitless, abundant, always pure, and renewing us always. It is us :)
One thing I want to add, as I feel called to do so, is that from my observation, the "blocked pain" the drives addictions and cycles is shame. That emotional pain stored creates shame.
That is what my instinct is telling me, as in my life, it seems shame has driven all of my cycles. But, I am not entirely sure if that is true for everybody.
This would make the cycle look like...
All in all, surrender to what you feel, as it feels safe to do so.
Allow yourself to recognize your habits and coping mechanisms, without the shaming yourself to fix it right away, but to change as it feels safe. To hold yourself along, guiding yourself, but not forcing yourself. Keep the fire going within. The fire that desires intimacy, truth, authenticity, and love. That is true, and it is loving. Passionate, accepting, and trusting.
It's about healing the pain behind the addiction, rather than stopping the addiction itself, because an addiction will always keep moving about, transferring to another outlet until the pain is healed. And healing begins ever so gently at the very moment of your awareness and acceptance of what you feel and therefore FEELING it.
One thing I promise we can trust is that behind all pain lies a diamond, and that diamond is love. It is safe to feel. The irony of being scared to do so is that the moment you truly surrender to it, you are washed with love. With healing. Bathed in your own true essence.
And remember that nothing is bad. Everything you do, think, feel is a reflection of YOU, mirroring back to you the frequency of your soul, all working in divine fulfillment of the soul's path. Just as a mirror reflects the image of your body back to you, this physical realm reflects the frequency of our souls, showing us where there is pain, where there is happiness, pleasure, grief, shame. You can trust this guide. It is the only true compass, that of the soul.
This is a forever dance. I am here writing about this and continually learning to surrender, to live freely and fully. To allow myself to be the divine hueman that I am. That we all are.
I have one more diagram I want to add to conclude the idea that pain cycles cannot be run from or forced out, only surrendered to. Stop running and you will see that the love you yearn for, reflecting in the intensity of the addiction / cycle, is already there ♡
This is a wave, with pleasure and pain as opposite amplitudes, with love being the stillness in which the wave springs. Surrender to see that love is the stillness behind it all, unmoving, unchanging, and always there.
The wave collapses and you are left with love ♡
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