Everything moves with a beat. We inhale what the trees exhale, and exhale what the trees inhale. Round and round in cohesion. Like a symphony meant to awaken all that listen with love. And you are necessary to complete this divine orchestra, just as every sliver of a circle is necessary for the circle to connect. We are each a piece of the universe. It's all one big family ♡

The universe is breathing, and every sliver of the universe is breathing. Every dog. Every cat. Every flower. The breath is life.
What is the breath? It is the inhale and the exhale. The in, and the out. It is duality. The wheel. The circle.
All of life moves in this pattern. Generating, degenerating. Gravitating, radiating. Condensing, expanding. Birth, death. Like the square and the circle, or particles and the wave.
With each inhale we generate life, and each exhale we radiate love and trust and surrender.
The sun generates heat and the earth receives this energy, giving birth to life that, once dies, radiates back to the light it came from.
Water on earth expands up to the sky, forming clouds as it begins to get ready for birth again, like a baby in the womb. Once heavy enough, the water falls back down, condensing into its form.
A baby begins generating in the womb, and once ready to leave the blanket of fluid, emerges into the world of solid form to fulfill their desire to generate in the first place.
Water is the balance of form and air, solid and gas. It is the midway point, the channel. The connection between the heavens and earth. Just as our energy body (the wave) is the connection between the still light within us (soul) and our physical form.
Liquid is less dense solid, and gas is less dense liquid.
Water is the connection between solid and gas, earth and sky.
I'll insert a diagram I made a month or so ago regarding this trinity of soul to energy to physical,

Adding to this trinity can also be gas (quality), liquid (transition), solid (quantity), or air, water, earth.
Water moves as the universe moves. The waves rise and fall. Rising until there is not enough water beneath the surface to remain equal with water (wave) above. Then, it crashes with an equal pressure downwards, balancing the rise with an equal fall.
Water is a physical, visible representation energy. You touch water, water mirrors the energy of your touch in ripples (small waves) moving outward in a circle. The different touches interacting, clashing, joining, each touch with a different intensity (pressure).
As I said, water is a visible representation. Energy moves like this all of the time, everywhere, always.
Anyways, back to inhale and exhale of life. As physical bodies, we generate into this realm as babies, coming through the water (our mother's womb). Our physical body degenerates according to that in which our soul feels it is no longer served by this body. As the soul begins detaching, the body begins degenerating, and our soul magnetizes back to the light (love) it has come from. Our souls move from the realm of duality back to oneness.
The world of duality appears to us as individual. We see every separate form / being living out its separate life, including ourselves. But in order for something to be separate, it has to have an exact opposite.
We always have an exact physical complement. It is vital and basic component of life.
There has to be an exhalation to the inhalation and vice versa.
A black square is unseen on a black table unless its opposite, white paper, is put under it.
The circle cannot split into two without having an equal and opposite part.
Although separated into a million bazillion quadrillion however many pieces, the universe stems from the same point, the same desire, the same light, the same love. It is all one.
The compliments of one another make one. Never fully merging physically, but merging spiritually.
Remaining seperate while tethered to oneness, as being seperate is what we are here to do.
The plants inhale what the animals exhale, and the plants exhale what the animals inhale.
Nature moves in this divine unison, this oneness, this merging of separate and equal opposites. It is what moves life. The back and the forth of the desire for balance.
As one seat of the seesaw moves up, the other side moves down, each desiring to balance with the other, merging and becoming its opposite - the up goes down and the down goes up.
And this seesaw would not be a seesaw, would not be able to go back and forth without the still fulcrum in its center.
All dual, all form, is bound by stillness, by oneness. The dual is nothing but the play of the oneness in motion through the seeking of balance.
The expression seeks balance, and the balance seeks expression.
The two seeks one, and the one seeks two.
The motion seeks stillness, and the stillness seeks motions.
And not in the way of seeking out of need, fear, or lack.
But of the curiosity for fun, love, abundance, and play.
This is what the universe is all about
The stillness is content, but sees how much fun it could be to experience itself as a reflection. To interact with itself. To know separation to once again feel the beauty of stillness, of oneness, of love.
Like being in warm water and jumping to cold water just to go back and feel the warmth of the warm water again with greater appreciation.
What your heart seeks is the very fundamental aspect of being alive.
And it is always love.
It all leads back to love. To oneness. To merging.
And once we realize this, we can truly begin to play in this realm the way we were meant to.
In constant motion aka creation knowing of and feeling the infinite home within our being. An infinite love, support, guidance.

We teeter totter back and forth between inhale and exhale, generating life and radiating surrender, acting as an engine, a power, for the still fulcrum of the soul, giving way for its expression in this physical world.
You can read more about things being physically opposite, yet, at the level of energy and frequency, the same, in my article "Light and The Wave - Dualities and the Unfolding of Time".
Here you will also find a diagram on how frequency shifts before its physical manifestation, which symbolizes how the soul begins detaching from the body before the physical body actually finishes degeneration aka death.
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How beautiful ❤️