All of life moves in a single pattern. This pattern can be singled down to the wave.

It is seen in the tiniest aspect of life to the largest.
Even in the sun.
The sun is born by the desire of cold space for warmth, which, scientifically manifests itself as pressures and tensions or whatever, calling in g e n e r a t i o n.
This generation creates heat that is radiated and makes our son.
Once the radiation exceeds generation, the star begins its death from the inside out.
In my latest Instagram post (@ella.muirrrrr), I describe this process in the waves of the ocean.
It is the same as the sun - once the "radiation" of the wave exceeds the amount of water below the ocean's surface that it is pulling or "generating" from, the wave crashes.
I will explain it here as I did on my Instagram post:
The wave moves in an equal and upward pull, rising above the ocean's surface in an equivalent height to its pull beneath the surface.
The wave above and below the surface mirror one another as opposites.
When the sand beneath the surface causes the water to become too shallow, and the wave above the surface is greater than what is able to be pulled from below, the wave crashes and retreats to become one with the great ocean again.
All of life moves in this way.
Although a wave has its phases, birth, death, and rebirth, it is never apart from the ocean.
Just as we, and all of earth - her minerals and plants and animals - are never apart from the one essence of life
Each separate form, from a diamond to a dolphin, is a unique and divine manifestation of this one essence, this one soul, this love, this God.
When we die, our physical mind and bodies decompose and return to the whole of earth, while our soul returns to the whole of the divine, to God, to love, to light, just as the wave returns to the ocean.
Our sun, which is the beginning of earth and all life on it, is the closest physical express of this divine oneness. It expresses light through heat. However, true light is still and cannot be sensed.
All of life can be singled down to what scientists call the atom, consisting of protons (+), neutrons (neutral), and electrons (-).
These atoms make up the elements on the periodic table, you know like that or iron and mercury and hydrogen and all that fun stuff.
What makes each element different is the number of protons in their atoms. For example, hydrogen has 1 proton in each of its atoms.
All of this is really just light manifested in different forms.
Just as the waves of the ocean are all different and unique expressions of the ocean, all of life on earth is unique expressions of light.
It starts in the atom, with light manifesting itself as a proton or an electron, or even a neutron with a teeny tiny mass (mass is a whole other thing that is a representation of a forms separation from the "one light" or God).
All physical expression is a manifestation of this light, and all of the different elements express this light, each representing a different stage of its physical evolution.
A brilliant man by the name of Walter Russell - an artist, musician, architect, businessman, philosopher, and scientist (all these labels mean nothing, as the wisdom behind each path can be singled down to the one rhythm of life, which he had figured in his heart and used it for his life) of the beginning to mid 1900's - expressed this idea through beautiful diagrams I will insert here.

The wave is a spiral from the side and the spiral of circles is a spiral from the top.
A true spiral is 3 dimensional.
Each planet orbits around the sun in a spiral, with each planet at a different phase.
The color wheel (sight), tone and music (sound), temperature and mass (touch), and anything regarding physics can all be represented in a chart similar to what we see here with the elements.
It is all one law of the wave. Of birth, death, and rebirth.
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