In other words, this is about how energy manifests itself into the physical world. This is a process similar to the way we communicate through language. We begin with a desire to speak, to express, something we feel moving inside and so we speak it out, we translate it. And so this is the process of manifestation, of creation, of birth. Everything in this realm, in the physical world, in the world of time, begins as energy.

Now, the soul, energy, is timeless. It is not bound to the laws of time, meaning we think of something, and we are there. We feel something stirring inside and we are there. All that our soul experiences is real. That feeling you get when you imagine something you really like, that is real. That is the love inside of you that your soul longs to see in this physical world. I see that the love we feel is the color of our soul, is the unique expression of our soul, as everyone experiences this love slightly different. It is the same light (love), just manifested as a different color, just like each of us look similar, but slightly different with our own unique features.
We imagine our favorite food and our mouth starts watering, preparing for it. And so, this is how life, creation, works.
And this imagination, is timeless. It knows no distance or separation. Our imagination is like the all seeing, all experiencing eye where we can see it all.
Yet, we are made to believe that what we imagine is just simply imagination - a silly picture in our head that 9 times out of 10 is unrealistic.
I disagree.
Something deeply deeply soul relieving I experience is the belief in magic. The belief that anything and all is possible. That what I experience and long for inside is TRUE and REAL. Not just some silly fascination.
When our hearts truly desire something, feel something, are calling for something, it is already real inside of us, our soul is already there and speaking to us to match this in the physical world, or the world of time.
Now, time means distance. It means that there is some sort of journey to match our soul with our external world. And I do believe that in a NATURAL world, unlike what we see today, our souls are in cohesion with our time and never or rarely derive from this. But today, we live in a world where we feel forced to cut off from our natural instincts and therefore loose sense of our soul time because we are living in a time, or living our lives, from a place that is mentally decided rather than soulfully decided.
Anyways, most people nowadays at one time or another find themselves living in a different soul time in comparison to what their physical world looks like. For example, this can appear as desiring to live in another time altogether. But the biggest sign of this is your external reality appearing different than your internal reality. Your soul being in one place while your physical body resides in another.
And so, I believe with great certainty that in this case we must have faith in our soul's world over our physical world, until they begin to align. Even then, it is always good to keep the faith in your soul's world, because it can never be manipulated. It will always reflect your truth.
As we begin this journey of aligning our soul's world to match our physical world, we must have faith that magic can and will happen. This is the nature of our soul - magic. It does not necessarily work with the "problem solving" process we are taught growing up of "oh I want this so I must do this and this and then this." No. All we must do is have faith in our soul's world, and the path will be paved for you step by step. Things will fall into your lap, if you just let go.
Let the feelings of your heart fill your body. Let this sweep you off your feet and carry you to salvation.
Our soul's world is the world that is real. That feeling you get watching a movie based back in time, that desire you have for something real, that is the truth of your soul, and much more real than anything that feels dead to you in your current physical reality.
The soul is life. Without it, there is no life, only dead particles floating about without any cohesion. Where your heart is, where your soul is, is your real life. And you just know when your soul leaves something and moves on. You just know because it feels dead, it feels unfulfilling. Like when your soul leaves your current reality, you just know because you long for something more.
And so death begins when our soul leaves our current reality. And we either make a rebirth in this life, realigning our lives to match our soul's, or our body degenerates and we leave this realm.
And either is ok. Sometimes the soul decides it does not want to be here in this life anymore, that this life is not suitable for what the soul wants to express, and it decides to leave. Slowly the body starts to degenerate and death takes its course. Most of the time, this happens on a subconscious level, as it is a decision of the soul first, not the mind.
However, it is in my experience that when we truly ask ourselves this question, being open to whether we want to stay or go, with no pressure to choose either one, that we will see if our soul wants to stay or go. When we surrender to death, we see if there is life force left in us. And it is in surrendering to death, to accepting how we feel no matter what our mind wants to say about it, that we get the answers to our questions. We begin to see a new way, a new route to where we want to go as there is nothing we are afraid of facing. The world opens up. And so this is the process of the soul rebirthing in the realm.
You see how fear is such a big block? How it keeps things stuck by preventing us to face the truth of our soul. We must live in accordance with our soul, nothing less. Our soul life is the only true life, and not living through the soul is merely just surviving, keeping the body alive, but barely. If we want to live, we must let go of fear and live. We must have total and other faith in the world of our soul.
I want to talk about what I have experienced in this process of soul alignment and how rebirthing breathwork has supported me so deeply.
For most of my life, I believed I needed to hold myself up. That I was always in control and totally responsible for keeping myself safe, loved, alive, ect ect. This manifested in my breathwork sessions as always trying to keep control of my breathing, afraid to let go and "do it wrong" or stop breathing if I didn't try to maintain it. Well, one breathwork session, I just remember completely surrendering and "giving up". I really just could not go on trying anymore, it was too tiring. I had partly expected myself to stop breathing and it all to fall apart and be out of control, but instead, my breath became the fullest and easiest it has ever been.
In this moment, I had let go of fear and allowed life, allowed the breath to take me over.
And this began manifesting in my day to day life. The things I was used to being afraid of or try to keep in control of, I began letting them go.
Rebirthing breathwork works on a subconscious level, on a body level, so this new skill, this new trusted, became a part of my life naturally from them on out.
I had accessed a greater level of stability in myself and in life. A deeper level of trust.
I learned then that I will never be trapped without a way out. Instead, if I fear something, I can face it, knowing I am loved and supported. That my life, my body, and other people can and desire to support me if I just allow them to.
And it is due to this stability, that I began to begin facing the truth of my soul, as my fear of feeling my emotions or being trapped in my emotions, lost its power. Instead of being something that I thought would destroy my world, feeling and acknowledging how I feel has become something that liberates me and shows me the truth, my truth, which sets me free. Free to be who I am and feel what I feel.
Our hearts are the keepers of our truth. The mind can create stories and hear different stories of what we have experienced, but it is how we feel that truly knows what we have seen and been through. The heart holds a truth that cannot be manipulated, and we must surrender to it if we want to truly live.
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