Are you Living or Surviving?

This is such a crucial question to look into for yourself. Are you motivated by the fear of death (suffering), or the desire to live? And by fear of death, I mean every fear, because the fear of death at its root is the fear of suffering, and all fear is such. And that is only if you believe or fear deep down that death = suffering. To believe that is also to believe that life = suffering. Ok, anyways, it is such a crucial question because everything and anything that is making you feel stuck in your life, is some sort of fear. And it can be such a perpetuating cycle. You fear something bad happening, so it makes you want the opposite, and then you fight with such urgency to escape what you fear will happen. This, my friend, is a never ending cycle. You'll never get what you are looking for, because, it is really as simple as what you are looking for is found in giving up this fear completely and just letting go. 

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How the Timeless Soul Manifests in Time

In other words, this is about how energy manifests itself into the physical world. This is a process similar to the way we communicate through language. We begin with a desire to speak, to express, something we feel moving inside and so we speak it out, we translate it. And so this is the process of manifestation, of creation, of birth. Everything in this realm, in the physical world, in the world of time, begins as energy.

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Facing Reality

Wow, what a topic. What seems so simple can actually be a whirlwind of a journey. Facing reality is not just about facing merely the visible things of our lives, but is instead about facing it all. The visible and the invisible. The physical aspect of our life along with the truth we feel inside our hearts with our life.

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Identity Crisis

Identity. Such a potent topic. I heard this quote once that "every crisis in life is an identity crisis" and I immediately understood. Every crisis I have ever faced has surely been an identity crisis, and I can say this now after spending some years really rooting into the truth of who I am. Anyways, here I will discuss how every crisis we could ever face comes from not knowing or not feeling deeply connected with who we are at our core.

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My Story with Yarrow

Yarrow is a plant that came to me through love, and has shown me nothing but love. In fact, in my life, yarrow has been the embodiment of love in many different ways that I want to share here.

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The Soul is Born to Fly

You know, there are times where I have lied in bed and said to myself, "I don't want to do this anymore." It is a feeling like wanting to die. It is not me, my soul, that wants to die. The soul never dies. No, it is the part of me that is fighting. Fighting to survive. Fighting to avoid pain. This is the part of me that is scared.

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The Opening of a Young Girl’s Heart

Making the journey to California changed me in ways I dreamed of in previous years of my life. In this story, I describe my adventures, bumps in the road that turned into diamonds, a love story, the lessons solo travel has taught me, and more I will add in as I express my experience here.

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Love Governs All True Life

We tend to think of good and evil as the two opposites, the two choices, in this world. However, I truly hold the belief that there is no such thing as natural evil. That evil is unnatural to this world. Good and evil are not one dynamic. Instead, evil is like a parasite to good. Good is the one true life frequency of this world. All natural human souls are governed by this love. We aren't barbarians. We do not need to be told to be kind, to be compassionate or merciful. It is our born instinct to do so. To believe otherwise is a crime to the soul. 

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Energy Channels

The other day at work, me and some people were talking about the dangers of setting certain people or groups as authority figures in your life, or, in other words, putting things up on a pedestal. Giving anything authority over your own instinct, whether it be a diet, the rule book of a religion, people telling you how to be, how to act... it is giving something /someone else power over your life, your choices and therefore your own energy. And energy is the bridge to the soul. This access, or channel of one's energy, can be a beautiful thing in equal exchange; in a nurturing, gentle, loving connection. However, in the types of power games we see nowadays (trying to assert authority over someone, wanting to submit to someone, trying to beat someone else, ect ect), it is easy to find yourself caught up in a draining of your energy through channels we keep open, with or without our conscious awareness.

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