Are you Living or Surviving?
This is such a crucial question to look into for yourself. Are you motivated by the fear of death (suffering), or the desire to live? And by fear of death, I mean every fear, because the fear of death at its root is the fear of suffering, and all fear is such. And that is only if you believe or fear deep down that death = suffering. To believe that is also to believe that life = suffering. Ok, anyways, it is such a crucial question because everything and anything that is making you feel stuck in your life, is some sort of fear. And it can be such a perpetuating cycle. You fear something bad happening, so it makes you want the opposite, and then you fight with such urgency to escape what you fear will happen. This, my friend, is a never ending cycle. You'll never get what you are looking for, because, it is really as simple as what you are looking for is found in giving up this fear completely and just letting go.
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